Friday, April 10, 2020

Choose Joy

Thursday's used to be my favorite day but I think that's changing.  Not that I need a favorite day but you do get asked occasionally, right?  The first Thursday of quarantine Micah hit a wall with being "home schooled." I heard from other parents that their kids did also, all ages and both boys and girls.  It seemed to happen the following Thursdays also.  I also found my patience to be a little lower as the days went on. 

Then yesterday came.  Micah's on Easter Break now so it wasn't him.  It was me.  I went to the grocery store, which I hate doing right now, but I can't figure out timing for delivery.  I wore a mask and it gave me more appreciation for the front line hero's who wear them way longer than 45 mins.  It was tight and I started getting a headache but I talked myself out of complaining because I knew it'd be coming off soon.  They don't get that luxury - Thank You for what you do. 

Then I had to clean all my groceries.  That's just time consuming.  My shopping experience took 2 hours from leaving the house to being done with everything.  Micah had to finish some work that didn't get turned in.  And he didn't want to.  Bobby and I talked on the phone but that didn't go well.  I misunderstood something my mom said.   By 5 I had to take a walk to not start crying.  Yes it's OK to cry, I know that.  But I didn't want to.  By 6:26 I had to change the zoom call info for a call at 6:30 that I wanted to back out of (Thank God I didn't).

And then?  My 6:30 call started with the You Night NOLA Class of 2020 and things got better.  I lead this call and I mostly focus on the ladies who join the call, to make sure they're OK and are enjoying themselves, rather than focusing on myself.  I say "mostly" because I can share also, and I did. I told them about my walk and trying to not cry and wanting to cancel the call (I never would have).  We talk about serious stuff but we also laugh which is so good for the soul.

You Guys, this isn't easy!  I'm trying so hard to be calm and live intentionally and all that.  Sometimes it's hard.
This morning a friend posted on Facebook, asking what has brought us joy this week and I made a list!  Just bam bam bam bam bam (5 things!)  and thanked her for asking that question because yesterday sucked but look - I still have things that bring my joy. 
So, tell me, what brings you joy?