Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov 5

Nov 5 – I am thankful for good times that make good memories. 

I guess all my posts don’t have to be long and include pictures J  But for those of you who are wondering, the every other Tues-Wed-Thurs routine starts again tomorrow.  I meet with Dr. Barnhill tomorrow at 9, chemo on Wed and my white blood cell shot on Thurs. Please pray that my luck will continue and I’ll feel better than expected through my 3rd round of chemo.


  1. What is involved in your meeting with Dr. Barnhill? A review of what has gone on and a preview of what is upcoming or what? I don't recall my mom having weekly meetings with the doc; but I do remember the blood draws (& the "whew's" of having the count be "O.K."
    Do you get a white blood cell count and then it is determined how much you get of the Thursday shot?
    And, of course, Espi and I pray for you EVERY day -- and when I see the pink ribbon on the back of my car! Sending our love always.

  2. Great questions, I'll answer them in a blog post because I bet you're not the only one with these questions.
    Thank you for your prayers. Thank Espi for her prayers!
