Saturday, December 22, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas!

What a busy few days. I feel like I’m trying to get a bunch of stuff done so I don’t have to worry about it when the pain comes.  Three hours to go…  But maybe it won’t come. 
Thursday we took Micah to the Cancer Center for a Christmas party.  He met my nurses and we looked around a little.  I came back a few hours later for my white blood cell shot and Rebirth Brass Band was getting ready to play.  They played a few songs in the lobby and then went back to the infusion room.  I’m not sure how I would’ve felt if I were getting chemo and trying to sleep but hey, it was pretty cool to have Rebirth in the house.  And I wasn’t getting chemo or trying to sleep J
We’re celebrating Christmas on Sunday because Bobby works Christmas Day and because Helena is with us this weekend.  I wish she could stay the whole Christmas Break with us!  The tree is up and we even have gifts under the tree so we’re off to a god start.  Fingers crossed, prayers said that I feel ok and can enjoy our family Christmas.
Here's a video of Rebirth from Thursday.  It might just sound loud but they're playing Jingle Bells and there's some girl dancing that's kind of interesting to watch.
Micah and me with my chemo nurse Missy

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dec 18th

Wow!  Rescue the Tatas was a huge success!  From those who helped get ready for the event and those who helped at the event to the Rescue Squad and Flying Squad who donated food to the people who came out on Saturday for some fun, even the weather was perfect and to all those who donated items for the silent auction, raffles and door prizes – Wow! I couldn’t have asked for more.  I think everything was PERFECT.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family that care about us.  Thank you to everyone!

Tomorrow is my next Taxol treatment and I am not looking forward to it.  Actually, I’m kind of looking forward to the actual treatment because I want to test out the Benadryl injection again J  I’ve told my mom that she needs to drop me off because I intend to sleep but I’ve also told her to come back around 12 because I might not sleep or I might wake up and if I do I’ll be hungry and I refuse to eat the box lunches they serve (you know, the ones that make me ill just thinking about them).  What I’m not looking forward to is the pain that came with the Taxol last time.  Dr Barnhill says that it might not be as bad which I’m having trouble believing and she  didn’t really have any ideas for beating the pain so it could be another painful weekend for me.  I did ask for a morphine drip but I guess maybe she thought I was kidding.  She did seem excited when she said that after tomorrow I will be halfway done with my Taxol treatments.  I will try to keep that in mind if I end up with the pain again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A few songs that I want to share with you all

Bobby's song to me:

From Heather to me (which I shared with my friend that I started chemo with):

Dec 14th – Taxol SUCKS

One week post Taxol, man that stuff sucked.  This is what happened:  I went to Chemo on Wednesday and was hooked up to the IV’s.  This time I even put on several layers of the cream that’s supposed to numb my port but that doesn’t help.  So much for out-smarting a needle.  Then the nurse injected my IV with 50 mgs of Benadryl.  Whoa.  I could taste it and that was weird but them BAM! It hit me.  I’ve taken 50 mgs of Benadryl to sleep, that’s just 2 pills that take roughly 30 mins to dissolve.  I’ve never had 50mgs injected into an IV and although I kind of like the quick hitting side of the injection, this was crazy.  While she was still injecting the Benadryl I remember asking the nurse if my head was supposed to feel loopy and if I was supposed to taste it and turning my head away so that I couldn’t taste it but I don’t think my head could get far enough away from my neck where the port is (duh) so I surely tasted it. 

The side effects of the Taxol hit me Friday night when my friend Lorrie and I were driving towards my company Christmas party around 7:30.  I chickened out of the party reminding myself that I don’t have to be brave all the time (thanks to therapy for that!).  We turned right instead of going straight, Lorrie was driving because I felt ‘kind of funny,’   and for the next 30-45 mins we drove around trying to decide what to do.  We ended up at Mandina’s for a glass of wine and onion rings and then came home for top ramen and another glass of wine.  As we were sitting at Mandina’s I started to get a really intense achy feeling so I was happy we skipped the party.  This achy feeling got worse as the weekend went on.  My hips, legs, knees, ankles, inner thighs, outer thighs, hamstrings, quads and calves hurt.  Oh and cramps like I’ve never had.   On a pain scale of 1-10 the constant pain was at a 40.  And the shooting pain was a 4,000. I tried vicodin, iburpfen, Lortab, a hot bath, heating pads, ice packs, elevating, walking, standing, sitting, lying down, even a bloody mary and nothing made me feel better.  Finally on Monday the pain started to ease up.  I can’t say my legs don’t feel ‘kind of funny’ now but I can handle this.  This is a walk in the park compared to 3 days ago.
I have never in my life been in so much pain.  Dr Barnhill better have something up her sleeve and whatever it is, I’m willing to try.  Well…  I don’t think I’d eat monkey brains.  But maybe I would.
And on a brighter note, tomorrow is the benefit!  Rescue the Tatas!  I‘m so excited!  The generosity of everyone is really impressive.  I’m truly thankful to everyone who has donated and to those that are helping out.  If you can make it, even for a few minutes, I think you’ll be impressed and you might walk away with some cool gifts for others, or yourself!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 6th (and Nov 30th)

It’s 3:41am and I’m awake because I had to take some meds for my chemo tomorrow and I figured I’d take advantage of the quiet to update everyone.  I’m halfway done with Chemo and moving on to a new drug called Taxol.  This follows the original plan of 4 treatments of Cytoxin and Adriamyocin and then 4 treatments of Taxol.  Both treatments attack the cancer from a different angel or perspective, both designed to shrink the tumors.  The first set definitely worked and the tumor has shrunk significantly and now Taxol will try to shrink it even more, in a different way. 
Dr Barnhill said she will not give me the Taxol if I don’t take these meds at 9pm and 3am the night before chemo so I’m following orders.  I take 5 of these steroid pills at 9 and 5 more at 3, then before I get the Taxol drip I get even more of this steroid, Benadryl, anti nausea meds and something else and then the Taxol drip is 3 hours.  So I’m thinking these next 4 treatments will take the same amount of time as the first 4 did and I’ll be “in the chair” for 4-5 hours.  Taxol can cause allergic reactions and the steroids and Benadryl are meant to prevent this.  Dr Barnhill says she hasn’t seen bad reactions to this and has been giving it for 25 years.  She said this is the recommendation and she believes the steroids and Benadryl are the reason she hasn’t seen anything bad so she doesn’t take chances.  The possible side effects are the same as the other treatment – hair loss (it’s already gone), nausea (it’s supposed to be easier on the body than the other treatment), pins and needles in the legs and finger tips (I got a prescription from my surgeon to help me sleep if I have problems with this) and the possible allergic reaction which we’ll know about as soon as the drip starts and everyone is trained to handle it.
I’m nervous about starting a new treatment because I’ve done so well so far.  I am afraid eventually there might be a bump in the road.  It must be my positive attitude, the prayers that everyone is sending and my knowledgeable doctors that have helped me so far so we must continue!!!
My thankful thought for Nov 30th (bet you thought I forgot!) goes out to my doctors.  I like all of them and that’s weird to me.  I’m generally pretty skeptical but I like them all which makes the waiting room time a little easier to deal with and makes it easier for me to go to ALL of my appointments.

Thanks for all of your support!  Everyone!  And thank you Tracy and Lorrie for coming out to help me while my mom is gone.  Tracy has been here since last week.  In addition to following the long To-do list my mom left, she took Micah to the zoo yesterday and from what I hear they had a great time.  Lorrie will be here Thursday to take over until my mom comes back next week.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ordering T Shirts

A link has been added to the right side of my blog.  Click on it and you'll be directed to my yahoo email address where you can send me your order. Orders need to be made by Dec 5th.

All tshirts are $15

I need to know:
Size and number of shirts - children and adult sizes available
Your mailing address

Your payment can be made via paypal at:

Kids shirts have nothing on the back

Adult Shirts have a fluer de lis on the front left pocket area (no pocket)