Saturday, December 22, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas!

What a busy few days. I feel like I’m trying to get a bunch of stuff done so I don’t have to worry about it when the pain comes.  Three hours to go…  But maybe it won’t come. 
Thursday we took Micah to the Cancer Center for a Christmas party.  He met my nurses and we looked around a little.  I came back a few hours later for my white blood cell shot and Rebirth Brass Band was getting ready to play.  They played a few songs in the lobby and then went back to the infusion room.  I’m not sure how I would’ve felt if I were getting chemo and trying to sleep but hey, it was pretty cool to have Rebirth in the house.  And I wasn’t getting chemo or trying to sleep J
We’re celebrating Christmas on Sunday because Bobby works Christmas Day and because Helena is with us this weekend.  I wish she could stay the whole Christmas Break with us!  The tree is up and we even have gifts under the tree so we’re off to a god start.  Fingers crossed, prayers said that I feel ok and can enjoy our family Christmas.
Here's a video of Rebirth from Thursday.  It might just sound loud but they're playing Jingle Bells and there's some girl dancing that's kind of interesting to watch.
Micah and me with my chemo nurse Missy

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