Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fragile like a bomb


Are you fragile like a bomb or a flower?  I don't want to be fragile like a bomb that's going to explode so let me explain what I think this means. 


Many flowers are fragile in the sense that they can fall apart with a small breeze.  Do you fall apart at the simplest things that get in your way?    It's easy for our human brains to grab ahold of the things that hold us back, like the opinions of other people.  So remember this: 


 Being fragile like a bomb that has the power to have a huge impact when it is detonated, or when you are putting your ideas in motion, is the kind of fragile I think is referenced with this quote.  And remember that small steps can have big impacts!  



I also think being fragile like a bomb has something to do with sticking to what you believe in. Do the right thing with integrity so you can sleep at night.


oh my goodness wasn't he precious, sleeping without a care in the world!

*This particular photo is of a t shirt being sold on etsy, totally unrelated to this blog*

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