Wednesday, July 8, 2020

funk - /fǝNGk/

5-4-3-2-1 and BAM! Get out of the funk.  But dang it, sometimes I want to sit in the funk for a bit!  And I think that's ok as long as I am aware of what I'm doing.   I also think a time limit is good to have so that I don't wallow for too long because honestly, aren't our funks often meaningless?  And don't they often cause undo problems like arguing or wasting time just being mad?


Roughly 111 days ago I was so busy going from one thing to the next that I didn't need to acknowledge my feelings or figure out where they were coming from.  And now, after a few months of being home and making time to intentionally do things like journal, read, deciding what I really want to be doing or how I want to spend my time (tv, social media, walking, etc…), paying attention to my moods and more importantly WHY I am in the mood I'm in, I am acknowledging my feelings.  I'm looking deeper into why I feel a certain way.  It's much easier to solve a problem when you know what it is.  I'm not saying it's easy or fun all the time!  But in the big picture, I'm happier.  I can see when I need to listen or stop talking.  I can see where I want to make changes and I'm taking the time to figure out HOW to make the changes. 


Sometimes Bobby makes me mad. Go figure :)  But me being mad doesn't help anything and I know this.  Bobby certainly doesn't want me mad.  (Trust me.  I know you don't believe this but I'm not always fun to be around!) I know I've consciously talked myself through being mad and consciously accepted being mad and then consciously told myself it was time to change my mood and 5-4-3-2-1 BAM! I move and make myself change my mood.   


Let me give credit where credit is due.  Mel Robins has a 5 Second Rule.  I haven't even listened to, or read, much about her 5 Second Rule but I get the gist.  Mel says "The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move or your brain will stop you."  I'm going to research this more to make sure I'm using the rule correctly but even if I'm using it wrong, it's working!

How do you get yourself out of a funk?


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