Friday, August 21, 2020

What's Normal?


I heard some super basic stuff recently that is actually not basic, it's profound.  I was listening to a podcast and they started talking about this being the new normal.  

Whatever "this" is. 


Except "this" is it.  

I mean, some things change a little here and there (or a lot).  But we've now been wearing masks, washing our hands or using sanitizer All The Time and social distancing for like 4 months.  

Shoot, we're on our 5th month!  

My days should be fairly consistent and I guess they are but I've been waiting for the new normal to arrive to actually cement my routine and say "yes, this is my life."   

I might not like it but I AM experiencing the new normal.  After all, I've been doing pretty much the same thing for 5 months thinking I'll go back to "normal" eventually. 



I came across this statement and, gosh, isn't it true?  Why are we waiting for "normal" to come back?  It's here.


And I think, wow.  That's it.  It's good, it's bad, it's boring, it's hard, it's fun, it's routine.  And it's beautiful.  

So let's stop waiting and start living!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

It sucks


Like it or not, covid has given us the time to slow down and really feel the feelings.  Of course feeling the good feelings is something that's easier to do.   But it's also given us time to slow down and feel the bad feelings. 


Since having cancer I feel like I'm constantly meeting other people who've had cancer.  Before I received my diagnosis it seemed rare to meet someone who'd had cancer.  Now cancer seems all to common. 


I've learned a few things about cancer.  The biggest for me is that a cancer diagnosis is not necessarily a death sentence.  Did you read that?  A cancer diagnosis does not, in itself, mean the person will die.  There are some cancers that have a bleak outlook, but there are some that can be cured (like mine). 


Along with meeting more people with cancer, some that I've met have to deal with the news that their cancer has metastasized.


Stage 4, or cancer that has spread or metastasized, is bad.  I'd never deny that or pretend to know what it feels like.  I can only imagine that it sucks, big time.  UGH.  The encouraging thing I've seen through all my "cancer friends" is that you can live as a stage 4 cancer Survivor.  They'll always be on treatment and the hope is that the treatment is working.  


The reason I bring this up is that I've had 2 friends in the past 3 weeks hear that their cancer has metastasized.  Two young friends (around my age. I'm young right?).


I ask that you pray for my friends and all cancer survivors.  Help them find a community of others who are faced with similar situations.  Donate a little to help ease the financial burden if you'd like to.  

Kelly's friends set up a gofundmepage

Elizabeth's friends are selling magnets and bracelets

Do NOT feel sorry for us!  We are strong, powerful women and we are all cancer THRIVERS!