Friday, August 21, 2020

What's Normal?


I heard some super basic stuff recently that is actually not basic, it's profound.  I was listening to a podcast and they started talking about this being the new normal.  

Whatever "this" is. 


Except "this" is it.  

I mean, some things change a little here and there (or a lot).  But we've now been wearing masks, washing our hands or using sanitizer All The Time and social distancing for like 4 months.  

Shoot, we're on our 5th month!  

My days should be fairly consistent and I guess they are but I've been waiting for the new normal to arrive to actually cement my routine and say "yes, this is my life."   

I might not like it but I AM experiencing the new normal.  After all, I've been doing pretty much the same thing for 5 months thinking I'll go back to "normal" eventually. 



I came across this statement and, gosh, isn't it true?  Why are we waiting for "normal" to come back?  It's here.


And I think, wow.  That's it.  It's good, it's bad, it's boring, it's hard, it's fun, it's routine.  And it's beautiful.  

So let's stop waiting and start living!