Monday, January 7, 2013

Cross your fingers!

Guess who’s been sleeping on the couch the past 4 nights???  It’s not Bobby and it’s not because we’re fighting J  Thursday night Bobby came down with the flu/cold that’s been going around and in order to keep our house as germ free as possible he’s been quarantined to the bedroom and I’ve been sleeping on the couch.  Luckily I like our couch better for sleeping on than for sitting on.  And of course, my mom added some extra blankets to make it super comfy.  I think we’ve made it through the worst of it and I’ll be moving back to our room tonight.  Please pray and keep your fingers crossed that I don’t get sick.  We are so close to being done with Chemo, I’d hate to get sick now!

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping and praying that you not only don't get sick, but that Bobby feels better soon. All my love, thoughts, and prayers to you, my friend. It is probably nice to have your mom with these days, what a blessing that is as well. Thinking of you daily... Love, Christy Lee.
